Meet Joe

Joe has over 25 years of experience in engineering and property development. As a professional engineer, he held the position of department manager at a national engineering firm. After obtaining his MBA, he pursued his interest in transforming raw land tracts into vibrant living communities. Through his affiliation with Fortune 500 residential home builders, he has developed over 11,000 single-family lots, condominiums, retail, and recreation centers in master-planned and resort communities. At the University of Texas, he managed major capital improvement projects, including multi-level academic buildings, power generation facilities, and their supporting infrastructure that integrated with the existing campus theme.

In order to balance his interests, Joe serves as a director of a Municipal Utility District Board, volunteers at his local parish, and enjoys traveling with his wife. In his relaxation time, you’ll find him pushing his physical limits through continuous forms of exercise, ranging from trekking to an Ironman competition.

When asked why he’s so passionate about placemaking, Joe said: “By being cost-conscious of where money is being allocated, I love using modern ingenuity to create utilitarian environments whose end result rivals the most scenic historic and modern environments.”

Credentials & Recognition

  • Licensed Professional Engineer for The Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors for 26 years.
  • Received multiple Chairman and President Awards for his development experience.
  • +30 Single-Family Master-Planned Communities developed.




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4 Questions with Joe

How do you kick-off a productive morning?

I’m a strong believer that a healthy body and mind is the foundation to the start of a great day.  Thus, I start my day with challenging cardio and lifting workouts coupled with personal development readings.

What is your most important lesson learned?

When facing obstacles keep pressing forward, work within the structure to find alternatives or solutions that satisfy the system and your goals.

Why are you so passionate about placemaking?

At this point of my career it excites me to see how people enjoy the spaces that I’ve created.  When planning new spaces I envision how they will be used to improve the quality of life for generations to come.

What was your first job?

While in elementary school I answered a classified ad to assist in the remodeling of homes.  This path took me through high school in which I learned all aspects of home remodeling.